Thursday, May 2, 2013

What I Was Thinking When I Was At The Hotel

The music was so loud, we could barely hear each other talk, let alone think. My head was swirling from all the fun we were having. I was thinking to myself, what a nice get together. It seemed like Nick and my sister were getting along well. I don't know what they were talking about, but I could tell it was about me because they kept looking over at me. The puppy that Tom had bought me was the cutest thing I had ever seen. Holding it seemed to be the only thing I was doing, well that and dancing. My head was pounding from all the music, and the drinks, and the people. Everything was going great. Tom and I went into a room to talk, we started to talk about his wife. And then 'BOOM', he hit me...
Why I Ran In Front Of The Yellow Car

I ran in front of the car for one reason and one reason only, to get Tom. George had locked me in our room earlier that day, and when Tom stopped by to get gas, I saw his wife. I knew he wouldn't look up at me with her in the car, but I knew he wanted to. When I finally escaped the room and saw the car, I knew Tom was driving and I had to get him. He had to help me. George was going psycho  He was going to take me West away from Tom. So I ran out to the road, but the car wouldn't stop. Even while I was screaming and waving my arms, the car would not stop. Tom  needed to help me, but he never stopped! 
What I Was Feeling When Tom Hit Me

Blood was streaming down my face. I look in the mirror and I looked disgusting. I had a nose bleed, which would not stop bleeding. I can't believe he did that! George would never treat me that way! He hit me for saying such a simple thing, D.A.I.S.Y. Tom came in the room and I just stared at him for a minute, then started to yell at him. 'Tom, why did you hit me? George would never do this to me! Maybe I should just leave', I said. Of course I never really would leave him. I just wanted to know Tom would never hit me again and I wanted to hear his apology. I was thinking very hard while Tom was talking. I thought about how George would never hit me, but then I thought about Tom. Tom is just a more interesting person to be around then George, Tom understands me. When I snapped out of daze, Tom had stopped talking. I never heard his apology, but I bet he said sorry a million times. I decided to forgive Tom. I needed Tom in my life, he keeps it interesting and I can't stand George.