Thursday, April 25, 2013

What I Was Thinking When I Ran In Front Of The Car

I saw the car, the yellow car, that Tom was driving earlier. I had to tell him that we needed to run away. I needed him to take me away from George. I was screaming in my mind, TOM, TOM! I ran out the door, waving my hands hoping to get his attention. He wasn't slowing down though. It actually seemed like he was going faster. Why was he not slowing down? It was me, Myrtle! Tom, Tom, stop!, I kept saying in my head. Why weren't the words coming out of my mouth? Was it because I was inches away from the car? My heart was beating so fast, and loudly it seemed like. The next thing I knew I was in the road. The car was coming at me full speed. I screamed at the top of my lungs, at least I think I did. I screamed at Tom, TOM, ST................................................... 


  1. Myrtle,

    I don't know what you were thinking jumping in front of a car like that. I know you were upset and wanted to get away, but the car was going too fast to stop. Tom wasn't even driving the car, his wife Daisy was and she couldn't stop. I am really sorry that you were killed and that you couldn't be happy.


  2. See this is why I had to lock you in that room. I let you out of it for five seconds and you go get yourself hit and killed by a car..... This is what I meant when I said we were not meant for city life.
    Your annoyed husband George
